Salt Lake Bible College (Video)

Click graphic to access live and archive classes.
Lectures are live every Monday and Tuesday
night from 6:30-9:30 Utah, USA time.

ATTENDING FOR CREDIT - click HERE for Lecture Attendance Verification!
Then return to this page and click the Virtual Classroom graphic above to access the live-stream lectures.

For Schedule and Course List for 2023/24 - click HERE

Archive classes are available if you cannot join us live.
Also, archive classes are available for preceding years.

* If you want to monitor live and archive classes, you are welcome to do so.
* If you want to take courses for credit toward a degree, then please
submit an Application to Salt Lake Bible College (Video)
through this Application link.

Some sermons and sample classes can be accessed in our archives through the links below.

Current Video:
"Don't Leave God Out Of the Equation"

Video was made for the Utah Scottish Festival and Highland Games, held "virtual" for 2020.

Dr. VanBuskirk is the Chaplain for the Scottish Festival and Highland Games.
(Click the title to play the video.)

Sample Salvation Lecture.

SLBCV is a no-frills, tuition-free Bible College with all
Study Materials online for free download by students.

There is no charge to study the courses at SLBC.  However,
f you want to earn a certificate or degree along with
your free studies, there is a $50.00 per month
Administrative and Production Fee
A Waiver is available for those who can prove
financial hardship.  For students who register after
December 17, 2018, for you to receive a Waiver
you must submit an Administrative Fee
form before you begin your
studies.  It is available on the
Administrative Fee page.

The granted Waiver is NOT retroactive.
If you do not submit it before beginning
your studies, then you will be
responsible for all fees
accrued prior to the
granting of the

Dr. Van

You can study to earn a degree, or Monitor Only!

To study and earn a degree, click this graphic.
(Administrative Fee applies.)


To study the same courses 
without earning a degree,
click this graphic.
(No Administrative Fee)



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