(Only for students
who are studying For Credit toward a degree.)
Follow the instructions to submit your Application and get you started on your first required Core Course.
All students are required to complete and submit this Tutorial.
Active links are supplied for each step so that you can open up the various pages to see what they look like. Each of the links will open a new page in a separate window that you can close at any time to return to this tutorial page.
I have tried to be clear in the instructions, but no one nor any work of man is perfect. Therefore, if something is not clear, don't hesitate to contact me through the Contact Us form with any questions you may have about the process being taught in this tutorial or even requests for clarity or even suggestions on how to improve the tutorial itself.
All courses require use of the King James Bible. If you do not have one (or even if you do) then you can download a free Bible program from our Study Helps page. Click the page name to download your free King James Bible and bible study program. After you are finished on that page, close it to return here to finish your Tutorial.
There is a required link at the bottom of this Tutorial asking you to verify you have read and followed this entire Tutorial. You must submit the short form from that link.
Use of proper case is required for all information submitted to the college. This includes all tests, forms, and all other communication submitted to the college. You are not allowed to use all upper-case or all lower-case letters except in the rare case where that might be required.
This is a college and college-level work is expected of all students.
All students are required to pay the Administrative/Production Fee. Fee information is included in the Application form as well as a link to the Fee Waiver form. Financial burden must be established to receive a Waiver.
May God bless as you study,
Doc Van
Lets get started:
If you decide to take courses from us, then it is required that you fill out and submit the forms when you go to them as you progress through this tutorial. All pages, forms, etc, that open when you click on the active links supplied in this tutorial are the actual forms being discussed. To make sure that you have filled out all required forms, fill them out and submit them as you progress. That way you won't have to go back to them later and submit them for your file; and you won't have tests disallowed for failing to turn in required forms and/or meet the other requirements.
The forms that you will access in this tutorial are:
Forms to be submitted at the finish of each course:
The Finish Sign In form which you will not submit until you are finished with an entire
The Closed Book Test Contract and
Password Retrieval forms to retrieve end of course Final Test passwords.
The Tutorial/Entrance Exam - you must score 100% on this exam to be eligible to take courses
from SLBC.
The Tutorial Verification form.
The Application form- only one is required for your academic file.
A Pastor Recommend form is required for all students who currently attend a church. This is to let the pastor know that you are taking courses from us and that he approves. If you are not currently attending a church, then you do not need to have this form submitted.
Have your pastor go to http://saltlakebiblecollege.org/PastorRecommendation.html and fill out and submit the form.
The next step is to Sign In for your first course.
As it would be if
you were attending an on-campus college, it is common for students to take many courses rather than just one.
Many of our online students take more
that one course at a time. Some take as many as 4 or 5 at the same time. Some take more
than that. You are allowed to take as many as you desire but there is one caution- don't overload yourself with
more than you can handle given all of your
current time constraints in all areas of your life including sufficient time for your studies.
If you do not meet the minimum
requirements for the course, then you will not be allowed to take the Final Test.
Also, if the individual lesson tests are spaced incorrectly, thus failing to meet
the minimum weekly attendance requirements, then they will also be disallowed
and will not be credited to your file. You will have to retake them when
have met the attendance/study/testing requirements. Those requirements are
explained on the individual course main page as well as on other pages you
have to access to get to those courses.
Also, make sure that you keep track of your attendance for each course that you
take. Make a list of
"Begin" and "Finish" dates for each course so that you can make sure you meet the
attendance requirements for each individual course. You will need your "Begin" Sign In
date to input on your "Finish" Sign In form. You will also need to keep track
of other pertinent information for each course. Click this link, COURSE RECORD FORM to access a downloadable sheet on which to keep your course
information. You will be able to download the form in your choice of formats: as a Word doc or a pdf file or a WordPerfect
wpd file. You will need one copy of this form for each course that you take. Record
all information for each course when
you begin the course and then update the form for each course with the pertinent information each time you submit work to
the college for that course. If you do not have a printer, then download the form
as a Word or WordPerfect file and save it in your computer as a word-processor file and then you can use it internally without having to print it out. Remember to
keep it up-to-date as you progress through each course because you will need the
information on it later when you submit the Finish Sign In form and the Password
Retrieval or Closed Book Test Contract forms which you will submit when you have finished each entire course.
Without the information from that form you will not be able to retrieve the password, which you will need to access the Final Test.
are also required to report their grades for verification to the Administrative Office every 6 months. This is accomplished
by means of the TRANSCRIPT
To access that form, click that link. Your computer will ask you to specify where the form download is to be saved.
Specify somewhere you will be able to easily find it. There is an Instruction
Video explaining use of the form. The link to it is at the top/middle of the form.
Click the link and when the page opens scroll
down to the video entitled How
to Use the Transcript and Grades Template.
Update that form every time you start a course and every time you pass a
sure to submit a copy of the form to the college every six (6) months to keep your Academic File current.
Keep updating the
same form and add the new information to it and send a copy of it to the college. Do NOT use a different
form each time.
Sign In Form - this is how we keep a record of your attendance.
After reading ALL of the Sign In instructions, click the picture to go to the Sign In form.
Follow all instructions on the Sign In page exactly. Be sure to submit the form after filling it out. If you do not do so, then any tests you take will not be credited to your file. The reason they cannot be credited to you is because we will have no record of your attendance and no way of knowing if you have met the attendance requirements for the course.
Sign in once when you first start a course. Use the "Begin Sign In" form and then sign in once again using the "Finish Sign In" form when you have completed the entire course and you are ready to take the Final Test. These two dated forms, one marked "Begin" and one marked "Finish," are used to compute and verify your attendance for the course. You do NOT submit a sign in to "Begin" and a sign in to "Finish" form for each individual lesson in the course. You submit the forms only when you Begin and when you Finish each individual course.
The required minimum attendance per lesson and required minimum attendance for the course are listed on each individual course main page.
Begin Sign In form:
On the Begin Sign In form is a link to the list of courses offered. On that list is given the required Minimum Attendance per Lesson and the required Minimum Attendance for each Course overall. You will enter those figures on the Begin Sign In form.
Once you submit the Sign In form you will be
automatically taken to a confirmation page:
Once you reach that page, either print
out that page so you will have a copy of all of the
pertinent information or else click on the indicated link and you may print
a Course Record form in pdf format for
manually recording that information. You will need that information later.
you are finished on the confirmation page, you will be
told to:
Close this window to return to
the form.
You then close that window, which will return you to
the sign in form.
Back on the sign in form, in moving red letters in a box, you will be told to:
Once you close that form you will be returned to this page.
To sign in for more
A separate Sign In form must be submitted for each course.
Keep a copy of the pertinent information for each individual course.
To sign in for additional course(s), simply follow the instructions found on the
confirmation page.
Now click this Begin Sign In Form link and you will be taken to the form. On that page follow all instructions and make sure you retrieve the figures concerning Minimum Required Attendance for Course and Minimum Required Attendance per Lesson as instructed. Those figures are also on each course Main Page. You will need those figures to properly fill out the Begin Sign In form and your Course Record form. Once you submit the Begin Sign In form, then close that window to return to this tutorial.
This form must be read and followed exactly or you won't know how to input information on the opening page of the tests. What to use for your User Name and User ID will also be explained on the Testing Instructions form. On this form you will also find, in answer to a commonly asked question, an explanation of why we insist that all instructions be followed exactly.
Once you have submitted the Testing Instructions Agreement form you will see a confirmation page with instructions on how to return to the Testing Instructions page. When you have returned to that page you will be instructed to: CLOSE THIS PAGE WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED. Close that page and you will return to this tutorial.
Now click the name or the picture to go to the
Testing Instructions Agreement form- fill it out and submit it and then follow instructions to return to this
(Picture is a live link to the Testing Instructions Agreement.)
SALVATION COURSE: This is the first of the Core Courses that are required for all students.
Please read all of the rest of this tutorial before going
to the Salvation course main page to begin your first lesson. A live link will be supplied at the end of the tutorial which will
take you directly to that course so you may begin your study.
When you reach the SALVATION course main page, then read and follow all instructions as you scroll down the page. If you have followed this Tutorial then you have already submitted the Begin Sign In Form and Testing Instructions Form, do not do so again from that page.
When you reach the list of lessons under the heading SALVATION COURSE, then click on lesson I. Salvation- What is it?.
This picture shows you what the lesson links
look like on the Salvation course main page.
(This picture is not an active link-
it is only for information purposes.)
That link will take you to your first Lesson in the Salvation course.
I. Salvation- What is it
First lesson of the SALVATION course.
When you arrive at this page, you will find a link where you can sign in for the course if you had not done so already. If you have not yet signed in to "Begin" this course, please do so from that link. You do not turn in more than one sign in form to "Begin" each course. This means the entire course; i.e., you do not sign in when you begin each lesson, you only do so when you begin the course. You will only sign in again when you "Finish" the entire course and you are ready to retrieve the Password to take the Final Test.
Study this lesson while viewing the video at the same time, looking up ALL scripture references in your King James Bible. All courses require that the students look up all scripture references in all of the lessons. If you do not know how to view the lesson and the video at the same time, an Instruction Video is available to show you this process.
When you reach the end of the lesson in the textbook/workbook, please pay particular attention to the instructions. They must be followed exactly. Once you have read those instructions and followed them, then click on the link to the SECTION ONE TEST.
CAUTION: As has been stated on the Testing Instructions form, a glitch in the Test writing software causes some of the tests to not immediately open to allow you access. If this happens, then please refresh the page and the test will open for you. On rare occasions, depending on your computer and how it is processing the opening page, you may have to refresh the test more than once to get it to open. If it will not open, please contact us and we will try to assist you.
ATTENTION USERS OF MOZILLA FIREFOX: Some students have reported intermittent problems submitting various forms and tests while running Mozilla Firefox. When they switched to Internet Explorer while taking and submitting tests and various forms, the submission problems were usually solved.
If you want to, you can
click on this picture to see a full-size picture of the Salvation
1 test information/entrance page.
When you get to the page, it is not active. It is for instructional
purposes only.
After you fill out the Salvation 1 test opening
page according to the instructions you received on the Testing Instructions form
that you read and submitted earlier, then click Start... and complete the test.
The test is self-scoring and a copy of the test results will be automatically
sent to you by email. As a precaution against possible failure of your
computer or web browser to properly submit the test, it is suggested that you
print out the Results page of each test and keep them in a file. The
results page has your name and score and can be used as an emergency validation
of the test and your score. The Results page is the page you see from
which you submit the test. In the upper right-hand quadrant of the page is
a print icon on the narrow solid bar at the top of the page. Click that
icon to print the Results page before submitting the test. If you do not receive a
copy of your test by email within a short period of time, then please contact me
to see if I received our copy. If I did not then I will request that you
scan the results page and attach that copy to an email and send it to me as
validation for your file in lieu of a copy of the test itself. Do not send
that copy unless we request it.
Please keep the copy of the test that is automatically sent to you. Sometimes things get lost when sent over the internet and also sometimes computer problems happen here at the school like they do with any other internet endeavor. If you keep the test copies that are sent to you, then you can forward copies to us if we request them in case of problems on the net or here at the college. This will save you the extra work of having to repeat a test should data
loss occur here. We keep quadruple backups of data. Some backups are in our main computer and some are on external hard drives. We also keep copies on our servers. However, problems could still feasibly happen so we recommend that you keep copies of everything that you submit to us. We have auto- responders set up to send a confirmation to you for everything that you send to us. The autoresponder will list
specifically what it is that we received and will mention what it was by name. Should you submit something to us
and not receive an autoresponder confirmation stating specifically what it was that we received, then you will know
that we did not receive it. In that case you will know you need to resend whatever it was that you submitted. If you
still don't receive an autoresponder message, then please contact us through the Contact Us form and we will try to
help you resolve the problem.
MISSPELLED EMAIL ADDRESS: If you do not receive a copy of your test by email, that generally means you accidentally misspelled your email address on the information page of the test and the test program tried to send your copy to the misspelled, and probably non-existent, email address that you entered on it. If you do not receive your copy, then please contact us and, if it successfully submitted our copy to us, we will send one to you. Please take extra care when entering your email address on the opening page of each of the tests. Accurate and complete information input by you will help us greatly in reducing the workload here at the college. The processing time to send you a copy from here entails hand-processing and increases the handling time for your tests by at least 5,000%.
At the end of the test you will be asked if you want to let the program close the window, click yes to allow it. If you are not asked that question, then close the window yourself.
This will return you to the first Lesson, I. Salvation- What is it? page.
If you fail the test then you are required to study the lesson again, finding all of the correct answers to the questions you missed. You will have your copy of the test that was automatically sent to you to use for comparison purposes. All of the correct answers are in the large right-hand column on that test copy and you can use them to make sure you have found the correct answers in the lesson text. You may not retake any test on the same day that you failed it. You may retake the test on or after the next day and then only if you have found all of the correct answers to the questions you missed on the failed test.
If you receive a passing grade on the test then you are required to find all of the correct answers in the lesson text to any questions you may have missed on the test before proceeding to the next lesson. You may start your next lesson on the next day after passing the current lesson test and finding all of the correct answers to any questions missed.
First lesson of the SALVATION
course, I. Salvation- What is it
and the first lesson test are now completed.
Close the Lesson One window and you will be returned to the Salvation course
main page.
When you are back on the Salvation course main page, scroll down and click on the rest of the lessons and take them one at a time and in order, observing the required attendance per lesson.
Once you have finished all of the lessons and their section tests, all in proper sequence and spaced the minimum per-lesson time requirement apart, then return to the SALVATION course main page.
The Salvation course Final Test is an Open Book Test. Some other courses,
however, require that you take the Final Test, or other tests, as a Closed Book
Test. When such a test is indicated, you will receive plain instructions
for you to submit a Closed Book Test Contract
form. That form will be used by you to retrieve the Password for the
Closed Book Test.
For the Salvation course (and
other Open Book Tests), scroll down the SALVATION main
page, reading and following all of the instructions, until you reach the bottom
of the page and see the words RETRIEVE PASSWORD and a graphic of a lock and key. Click the graphic or the words to access the Password Retrieval Form with which you will retrieve the password needed to access the test..
Click on that link and follow all instructions to retrieve the Password and then return to the SALVATION main page. Once you submit the Password Retrieval form you will receive the password for the Final Test automatically.
Once you are back on the SALVATION main page, then scroll to the bottom and click the FINAL TEST link.
When you reach the opening page of that test, enter the password you retrieved and remember that it is case sensitive. When the page opens, fill out the information according to the instructions you learned earlier from the Testing Instructions form that you have already read and submitted.
Then click Start... and take the test.
This particular test is "open book" which means you can use your
textbook and other study materials to find the answers while taking the test.
Some tests are "closed book" which means you can not use your textbook
nor any other written, visual, or audio materials while taking the test.
Neither can you have anyone help you. The entire test must be taken
exclusively from memory.
If the test is "closed book" then you will see instructions right
before the "FINAL TEST" link telling you that the test is Closed Book and that you must turn in a Closed Book Test Contract form to retrieve the password.
After you fill out the Password Request form (do not do so until you have finished the entire course and you have submitted a Sign In "Finish" form for the course) then submit it and then follow the instructions to return to it from the Confirmation page, then close that page to return to the Class page.
Once that form is submitted, and you have received the password, then at that time you can click on the link to go to the Final Test and input the password to open the test. Passwords are case sensitive. If it is sent to you all in upper-case letters, then you must input the password using all upper-case letters. If the password is sent to you in all lower-case letters, then you must input the password using all lower-case letters. If the password is sent to you in mixed-case letters, then you must input the password with exactly the same mixed-case letters.
Take the test and then follow the instructions to return to the main page for that particular course.
At the end of the test a copy will be automatically emailed to you and a copy will automatically be sent to me so I can place it in your file.
1. If you misspell your email address on a test, the test will email your copy of the test to that incorrect address. Therefore, you will not receive your copy of the test!
2. If you do not receive a copy of your test, contact me and I will send you
a copy or give you further instructions. Even if you misspell your email address, mine is written into the test and I will receive my copy, assuming the test submits properly from your computer to the Internet.
3. The reasons you may not receive a copy were already discussed
earlier in this Tutorial.
If you followed the process, then you should now have finished the Salvation course.
You have followed instructions and should now be back on the SALVATION course main page.
Close the Salvation Course main page and you will be returned to the First Level main page where you started.
You may take more than one
course at a time. As in any other college, most students take several
classes at the same time. Other students, because of time constraints,
only take one course at a time. That choice is completely up to you.
You decide how you want to proceed with your education; but, be aware that the
more courses you take to run concurrently, the sooner you will earn your
degree. And the fewer you take, the longer it will take to reach your
However, be aware of all constraints on your time from all areas of your
life. Do not overload yourself to the point where you become frustrated
that you don't have enough time to properly do you homework for the
courses. If that happens, do not just give up and stop all
together. Simply put some of the courses on hold and continue with the
ones that you do have time to work on properly. Just send us an email
informing us of the situation and we will keep your dropped courses active and
then you can simply start them up again when you have time, continuing on from
the spot where you had stopped.
If you have any questions, please contact me through the Contact Us form and I will try to help coach you through whatever problem you may be having with the process of getting to and completing whichever course you are attempting to take.
1. When you first begin as a student you must submit an Application form and a Testing Instruction Agreement Form.
2. For every course you study you will need to do the following:
Submit a Begin Sign In form to start your official attendance.
On that form indicate the correct Minimum Required Attendance for Course and Minimum Required Attendance per Lesson
for that course.
3. Access your course and study each lesson, while meeting the minimum required attendance for
each lesson.
4. Stop where indicated and take the required Lesson Test.
- Following instructions concerning whether the Lesson Test is "Open Book" or "Closed Book."
- Some tests will require passwords and some won't. If a password is required, it will be plainly indicated.
- Submit any required Password Retrieval forms or Closed Book Test Contract forms as instructed.
- If there are no instructions concerning a password, then you may click on the
test link and it will open
- After taking a Lesson Test, you are required to find the correct answers in the textbook, workbook,
video, or King James Bible, whichever is appropriate, for every question you missed on the test whether you passed or failed it. This must be done for all tests in all courses- pass or fail you must find the correct answers to missed questions. You will automatically receive a copy of every test taken. You may
use it to verify that you have found the correct answers in the study materials.
- Once you have passed the test and looked up the correct answers to any questions missed on the test, then you can begin your attendance for the next lesson on or after the day after you passed the current test.
5. After completing all Lessons and receiving passing scores on all Lesson Test, then you will submit a Finish Sign In form to officially terminate your attendance for the course overall.
6. After you have submitted your Finish Sign In form, then you may proceed to the Final Test.
Submit any required Password Retrieval forms or Closed Book Test Contract forms as instructed.
7. You will receive the password automatically when you submit the form.
- When you receive the password, you may then take the Final Test.
- Once you have passed the Final Test, do not repeat it trying to achieve a higher score. Only your first passing score can be credited to you.
- You must now look up the correct answers to all questions missed on the Final Test, just as you were required to do after each Lesson Test. You must do this for every test, whether you pass or fail the test, in every course.
If you have already submitted an Application, then do not submit another one.
Click the picture below to go directly to the
Application form.
Close the form after you have submitted it to
return to this page.
After filling out and submitting this form you
will go to a confirmation page.
Follow all instructions and you will be directed back to the Application Form.
Close the Application Form page to return to this tutorial.
May God bless as you study,
Doc Van
I VERIFY THAT I HAVE READ THIS TUTORIAL (Clicking this link is required.)
Close that page to return here.
Now click this link First Level Courses to go to the First Level main page and start the Salvation course.